5M Hot Sidecar Recipe: A Hot Toddy for Cold Days

by Jarware Info

Jenny, of ADomesticWildFlower.com, recently fell in love with Jarware! Here is a great sidecar recipe from her:

"This recipe for a sidecar is one that uses freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice and was shared with me on the front porch of a friend and fellow wildflower, Mary of FiveMarysFarms.com. In addition to being an outstanding business woman turned rancher and friend, she makes a solid cocktail."

A note about lemons: You are likely familiar with one or two varieties of lemons: Eureka lemons and potentially Meyer lemons. Eureka lemons are the standard lemon most of us think of. Meyer lemons have smoother skin, can be closer to an orange hint in color, and have more juice. They are the lemons you want for this beverage. I live a long, long way from any citrus groves but the wintertime is when I see the Meyers in my grocery store. If you can't find Meyers, use Eurekas.

5M Hot Sidecar Recipe

1 shot fresh squeezed Meyer lemons (use the Citrus Juicer)
1 shot of your favorite bourbon
1/2 to 1/4 shot Cointreau
1 tablespoon of golden honey

Mix in a mug or mason jar with hot water and a tea bag of chamomile tea to your liking.


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